Topic 7 Stack

🧑‍💻 Introduction to Stack

A stack is a linear data structure that follows the Last In, First Out (LIFO) principle. Think of it like a stack of plates 🍽️ — you always add new plates on top and take the top one off first.

Stacks are powerful tools used to solve a variety of problems efficiently. They’re like a magic box 🧙‍♂️ for handling nested structures, evaluating expressions, and keeping track of previous elements in many algorithms.

⚡ Key Operations of a Stack

  • Push: Add an element to the top of the stack 🆙

  • Pop: Remove the top element from the stack 🔽

  • Peek or Top: Look at the top element without removing it 👀

  • IsEmpty: Check if the stack is empty 🚫

  • Size: Get the number of elements in the stack 📏

💡 Where are Stacks Used?

Stacks are commonly used in scenarios like:

  • Expression evaluation (e.g., arithmetic expressions, reverse Polish notation) ➗

  • Parsing and backtracking (e.g., balanced parentheses) 🧩

  • Depth-first search (DFS) in graph traversal 🌲

They can be implemented using arrays or linked lists, and many algorithms rely on stack-based operations to solve problems effectively.

📝 Problems in the Stack Topic

  1. Valid Parentheses Problem URL: LeetCode - Valid Parentheses Study here 📘

  2. Simplify Path Problem URL: LeetCode - Simplify Path Study here 📘

  3. Min Stack Problem URL: LeetCode - Min Stack Study here 📘

  4. Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation Problem URL: LeetCode - Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation Study here 📘

  5. Basic Calculator Problem URL: LeetCode - Basic Calculator Study here 📘

🎉 Conclusion

Congrats on diving into stacks! 🎊 Stacks are a fundamental data structure that can help you solve problems efficiently in various scenarios, like evaluating expressions, navigating through nested structures, and backtracking. 🚀

Take your time exploring each problem and its solution. You'll see how stacks can make even the trickiest problems simpler and more manageable! 😊

✨ Happy coding! 💻✨

Last updated