73. Set Matrix Zeroes

Difficulty: Medium - Tags: Array, Matrix, Simulation

LeetCode Problem Link

Problem Statement 📜

Given an m x n integer matrix matrix, if an element is 0, set its entire row and column to 0's.

You must perform this operation in-place, without using extra space.

Examples 🌟

🔹 Example 1:


int[][] matrix = {
    {1, 1, 1},
    {1, 0, 1},
    {1, 1, 1}


[[1, 0, 1],
 [0, 0, 0],
 [1, 0, 1]]

🔹 Example 2:


int[][] matrix = {
    {0, 1, 2, 0},
    {3, 4, 5, 2},
    {1, 3, 1, 5}


[[0, 0, 0, 0],
 [0, 4, 5, 0],
 [0, 3, 1, 0]]

Constraints ⚙️

  • m == matrix.length

  • n == matrix[0].length

  • 1 <= m, n <= 200

  • -2^31 <= matrix[i][j] <= 2^31 - 1

Follow-up 🤔

  • A straightforward solution using O(mn) space is probably not the best approach.

  • A simple improvement uses O(m + n) space, but can you devise a solution using constant space?

Solution 💡

To solve this problem efficiently:

  1. Naive Approach:

    • Use two auxiliary arrays rows and cols to store which rows and columns need to be set to 0. This approach uses extra space.

  2. Optimized Approach:

    • Use the matrix itself to track which rows and columns need to be zeroed.

    • Use the first row and first column of the matrix to store the state of other rows and columns.

    • If matrix[i][j] is 0, mark the first row and first column to indicate that the entire row and column need to be set to zero.

Java Solution

public class Solution {
    public void setZeroes(int[][] matrix) {
        int m = matrix.length, n = matrix[0].length;
        boolean rowZero = false, colZero = false;

        // Check if the first row and first column need to be zeroed
        for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
            if (matrix[i][0] == 0) {
                colZero = true;
        for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
            if (matrix[0][j] == 0) {
                rowZero = true;

        // Mark the cells that should be zeroed by using the first row and column
        for (int i = 1; i < m; i++) {
            for (int j = 1; j < n; j++) {
                if (matrix[i][j] == 0) {
                    matrix[i][0] = 0;
                    matrix[0][j] = 0;

        // Zero out cells based on the marks in the first row and column
        for (int i = 1; i < m; i++) {
            for (int j = 1; j < n; j++) {
                if (matrix[i][0] == 0 || matrix[0][j] == 0) {
                    matrix[i][j] = 0;

        // Zero out the first row and first column if needed
        if (rowZero) {
            for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
                matrix[0][j] = 0;
        if (colZero) {
            for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
                matrix[i][0] = 0;

Explanation of the Solution

  1. Step 1: Check the first row and first column:

    • If any element in the first row or column is 0, mark the rowZero or colZero flag as true.

  2. Step 2: Mark rows and columns to be zeroed:

    • Traverse the matrix starting from matrix[1][1] and mark the first row and first column to indicate that the corresponding row and column should be set to 0.

  3. Step 3: Zero out cells:

    • Traverse the matrix again to set cells to 0 based on the marks in the first row and column.

  4. Step 4: Handle the first row and first column:

    • Set the first row and first column to 0 if needed (based on the flags rowZero and colZero).

Time Complexity ⏳

  • O(m * n):

    • We traverse the matrix multiple times, each traversal takes O(m * n).

Space Complexity 💾

  • O(1):

    • We do not use any extra space for storing row or column markers, making this solution constant space.

You can find the full solution here.

Last updated