Recording Your Actions 🖥️🎥

Importance of Recording Actions 📋

When making changes to a system, it's crucial to have a clear plan and to document the actions taken. This practice helps in troubleshooting, maintaining records, and ensuring transparency.

Methods for Recording Commands 📝

1. Linux: Using script Command 🐧

  • Command: script session.log

  • Function: Records the terminal session to session.log.

  • Stopping Recording: Use exit or press Ctrl-D.

  • File Format: ANSI format, which includes color codes. Convert to plain text or HTML using ansi2txt or ansi2html if needed.

2. Windows: Using Start-Transcript 💻

  • Command: Start-Transcript -Path C:\Transcript.txt

  • Function: Records the session to C:\Transcript.txt.

  • Stopping Recording: Use Stop-Transcript.

  • File Format: Plain text file containing commands and outputs.

Recording Graphical Sessions 🎥

For actions performed through a graphical user interface:

  • Linux: Use tools like recordMyDesktop.

  • General: Utilize video recording tools such as OBS or VLC for documenting graphical actions.

Summary 🗂️

Recording your system administration actions ensures clarity and accountability. Use script and Start-Transcript for terminal sessions, and graphical tools for GUI actions to maintain comprehensive records of your work.

Last updated