Learning Objectives

Welcome to the Operating Systems course! Here’s a brief overview of what we’ll be covering in the first module:

  1. Directories and Files:

    • Windows GUI:

      • List: Navigate through folders and view files in File Explorer.

      • Change: Rename, move, or copy files and directories using context menus and drag-and-drop.

      • Remove: Delete files and directories using the Recycle Bin or permanent deletion.

      • Make: Create new directories and files using File Explorer's menu options.

    • Windows CLI (Command Line Interface):

      • List: Use dir to list files and directories.

      • Change: Use rename to rename files and move to relocate files or directories.

      • Remove: Use del to delete files and rmdir to remove directories.

      • Make: Use mkdir to create new directories and echo > filename to create files.

    • Linux Shell:

      • List: Use ls to list files and directories.

      • Change: Use mv to rename or move files and directories.

      • Remove: Use rm to delete files and rmdir to remove directories.

      • Make: Use mkdir to create new directories and touch filename to create files.

  2. Searching for Files and Directories:

    • Windows GUI:

      • Search: Use the search bar in File Explorer to find specific files or directories.

    • Windows CLI:

      • Search: Use dir /s /p to search within directories or findstr for text searches within files.

    • Linux Shell:

      • Search: Use find to search for files and directories, and grep to search within files for specific text.

  3. Text Manipulation:

    • Windows GUI:

      • Manipulate Text: Use text editors like Notepad or WordPad to edit and format text files.

    • Windows CLI:

      • Manipulate Text: Use type to display text file contents and copy con to create or modify text files.

    • Linux Shell:

      • Manipulate Text: Use commands like cat, nano, vi, or vim to view, edit, and format text files.

By mastering these tasks, you’ll gain practical skills in handling files and directories and manipulating text across different operating systems. Enjoy the course and happy learning!

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