Organizational Policies 📋

Responsibility for Policies 👥

  • Small Companies: Sys admins typically decide on computer policies.

  • Large Companies: The Chief Security Officer usually handles policy decisions.

Common Policy Questions ❓

  1. Software Installation 💻:

    • Recommendation: Users should generally not install software themselves to avoid the risk of malicious software being installed.

  2. Password Complexity 🔐:

    • Guideline: Require complex passwords with symbols, numbers, and letters.

    • Length: Minimum of eight characters to enhance security.

  3. Access to Non-Work Websites 🌐:

    • Consideration: Policies may vary; some organizations restrict access to work-related sites only, while others permit access to social media and news sites.

  4. Device Passwords 📱:

    • Requirement: All company phones should have passwords to protect sensitive information in case of loss or theft.

Documentation and Accessibility 🗂️

  • Documentation: All policies and procedures must be documented and stored in accessible locations such as internal Wiki sites or file servers.

  • Purpose: Documentation helps employees understand and adhere to company policies.

Last updated