Wi-Fi 6



Wi-Fi 6, formerly known as 802.11ax, represents a significant advancement in Wi-Fi technology. This reading will provide an overview of the benefits and technology used in Wi-Fi 6.

Benefits of Wi-Fi 6


Wi-Fi 6 offers several key benefits, especially for networks with a large number of connected devices:

  • 📈 Higher data rates: Band splitting or increased client group sizes enable faster uploading and downloading of larger data volumes.

  • 🌐 Increased band capacity: Band utilization expands from 80MHz to 160MHz, resulting in faster connections between the router and connected devices.

  • ⚡️ Better performance: Wi-Fi 6 doubles the input/output streams from 4x4 (Wi-Fi 5) to 8x8, facilitating grouping of more clients.

  • 🔋 Improved power efficiency: Devices only connect to the network when sending or receiving data, which conserves battery life.

Capabilities of Wi-Fi 6


Wi-Fi 6 technology enhances functionality and connectivity in several ways:

  • 💻 Channel sharing: Improves efficiency and reduces data transmission time by allowing faster sending of data once a user initiates the command.

  • ⏰ Target Wake Time (TWT): Enhances network speed and increases battery life by allowing battery-powered devices to sleep when not in use.

  • 📡 Multi-user MIMO (Multiple Input, Multiple Output): Enables simultaneous transfer of more data, increasing capacity and efficiency in high-bandwidth applications like voice calls or video streaming.

  • 🌐 160MHz channel utilization: Provides more space for data transmission and boosts bandwidth capability.

  • 🔄 1024 Quadrature Amplitude Modulation: Combines two signals into a single channel, enabling encoding of more data.

  • 📶 Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA): Allows for dynamic bandwidth splitting, assigned by the access point to separate devices.

  • 📡 Transmit beamforming: Targets each connected device with specific signals, improving data rates and efficiency.

Wi-Fi 6E extends Wi-Fi 6 into 6 GHz


Wi-Fi 6E is an extension of Wi-Fi 6 that incorporates a third 6 GHz band. It includes all the features of Wi-Fi 6 while providing additional channels for broadcasting. Wi-Fi 6E offers 14 more 80MHz channels and seven additional 160MHz channels. These extra channels improve performance, especially when streaming high-definition video or using virtual reality devices.

Embrace the power of Wi-Fi 6 and experience its enhanced capabilities! 📶🚀🌐

Last updated