Cabling Tools 🛠️

🔧 Crimper 🔧

A crimper is a hand-held tool that looks like a set of pliers. It is used to squeeze down or crimp wires.

🔪 Cable Stripper 🔪

A cable stripper is another handheld device that also looks like pliers. Its purpose is to remove the protective rubber coating from cables.

📶 Wi-Fi Analyzer 📶

A Wi-Fi analyzer is a scanner that analyzes the power and quality of the Wi-Fi in an area. It also collects data about the Wi-Fi and its circumstances.

🔊 Toner Probe 🔊

A toner probe is a part of a set of devices that are used for finding Ethernet and other internet connectors. One device plugs into a cable, while the other device, the tone probe, uses a tone that gets louder as it gets closer to the device plugged into the cable.

💥 Punch Down Tool 💥

A punch down tool or Krone tool is used for punching down wires into punch-down panels or jacks. First, the protective covering is taken off the wires, then the wires are punched into place.

📏 Cable Tester 📏

A cable tester digitally measures the integrity of the cable for compliance with developed cabling standards. They measure several parameters:

  • Attenuation

  • Impedance

  • Noise

  • Near-End Crosstalk

  • Attenuation to Crosstalk Ratio (ACR)

  • PowerSum NEXT

↔️ Loopback Plug ↔️

A loopback plug is a device that tests ports. Wires are connected in a loop that sends traffic back to the port after it receives it.

🖇️ Network Tap 🖇️

A network tap is a device that copies traffic information for use in monitoring devices. It is an external device.

I hope this provides you with the information you were looking for! Let me know if you have any further questions. 😊

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