Course 4 System Administration and IT Infrastructure Services 🌐

Course Overview 🎓

This course is designed to transition learners from managing a single computer to overseeing an entire fleet of systems. Systems administration focuses on maintaining reliable computer systems in a multi-user environment. The course covers essential aspects of IT infrastructure services necessary for keeping organizations operational.

Key Learning Objectives 📚

  1. Hardware and Vendor Management 🖥️

    • Learn best practices for selecting hardware, vendors, and services.

  2. Infrastructure Services ⚙️

    • Understand common infrastructure services and how to manage servers effectively.

  3. Cloud Management ☁️

    • Gain knowledge of cloud infrastructure setups and resource management.

  4. Directory Services 📂

    • Manage computers and users using tools like Active Directory and OpenLDAP.

  5. Tool Selection and Management 🛠️

    • Choose and manage tools essential for organizational IT needs.

  6. Data Backup and Recovery 🔄

    • Learn how to backup data and recover IT infrastructure in case of a disaster.

  7. Process Improvement 📈

    • Apply systems administration knowledge to enhance IT processes.

Course Details 📋

  • Level: Beginner

  • Commitment: 8 - 10 hours per module

  • Languages: English, with subtitles in Arabic, French, Ukrainian, Portuguese (Brazil), Korean, German, Indonesian, Turkish, Spanish, Japanese

  • Hardware Requirement: Desktop or laptop web browser for assessments (e.g., Qwiklabs and plugins)

  • Completion: Pass all graded assignments to complete the course

  • User Ratings: Average rating of 4.7 🌟

Last updated